Contribution to Tarot Life Lessons: Living Wisdom from the Major Arcana by Julia Gordon-Bramer. Destiny Books, 2023.
Contribution to The Time Changer's Tarot: Reading for Yourself, Your Community, and Your World with the Waite-Smith Tarot by Caitlín Matthews. Schiffer Publishing, 2023.
Interpretation for the reversed Tower card mirrored with the other 77 cards (upright) in Tarot Turn, Vol. 1: The Majors, edited by Marcus Katz & Tali Goodwin, 2012.
Contribution to Religions in Play: Games, Rituals, and Virtual Worlds, edited by Philippe Bornet & Maya Burger, 2012.
Contribution to Tarosophy by Marcus Katz, 2011.
Contribution to Tarot by Marita Liulia & Tiina Porthan, 2004.
Articles published in the Tarosophist International:
"A Short History of Tarot up to the French Revolution", Spring 2012 issue.
"Memoirs of a Century: Frieda, Lady Harris", Spring 2011 issue.
"Walkabout: An Interactive Journey", Summer 2010 issue.
Articles in Finnish
"Tahdon kysymys - Elementtien viisaus ja Taikurin taika" ("A Question of Will - Wisdom of the Elements and the Magic of the Magus") in Minä Olen No. 6, 2015.
"Elävä Tarot, osa 2: Tutkimusmatka alkaa" ("Living Tarot, Part 2: The Exploration Begins") in Minä Olen No. 5, 2015.
"Elävä Tarot, osa 1" ("Living Tarot, Part 1") in Minä Olen No. 3, 2015.
"In Memoriam: Pia Virtakallio" in Minä Olen No. 5, 2010.
"Terapeuttinen Tarot - ja mahdollisuudet Logoterapian kanssa" ("Therapeutic Tarot - and Possibilities with Logotherapy") in Fikkari, the Finnish Logotherapy Association magazine No. 2, 2010.
"Tarot vie myyttien maailmaan" ("Tarot Leads into the World of Myths") in Voi Hyvin No. 3, 2008.
"Itsetuntemusta Tarotin avulla" ("Self-knowledge through Tarot") in Turun Ylioppilaslehti No. 15, 2007.
"Tarot - Karttakirja sisäiseen ja ulkoiseen maailmaan" ("Tarot: A Map Book to Internal and External Worlds") article series in Seita Magazine published by Lehto ry., The Finnish Pagan Association, between 2002 and 2007.
© Tero Goldenhill 2025