A word of warning: there is no governmental body or authority, which would supervise or govern tarot readers. Anyone can pick a pack of cards and start doing readings, claiming to be a professional reader.
Unfortunately unscrupulous people exist, and some of these decide to use tarot for their own gain, regardless of the consequences to the Client. Because of this, too many of my Clients have had negative if not traumatic experiences in the past.
If the Reader projects their own issues onto the Client, needless to say this won't end well. Please be careful when choosing a tarot reader for yourself. Avoid any reader, who mentions about removing a curse, or who says you must do something (e.g. coming back to another reading), or who doesn't have any credentials to show.
Furthermore, an ethical Reader will never contact a Client and say "My spirit guide told me to contact you because you need a tarot reading." If you ever receive this sort of a message from me, please delete it and block the sender; it's a scam and not from me.
Piratism: this is a serious problem. Please never, ever buy a pirated deck or product. Learn how to spot a fake deck, report it, and support the artists you love. Too many tarot artists have already decided to stop creating new works because of this.

1. Beneficence: I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.
2. Compassion and Respect: I will always conduct the Session with compassion and in a nonjudgmental manner. I will treat all my Clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, class, education, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.
3. Confidentiality: All Client information will be kept strictly private and confidential, unless there is a threat of danger where the Client may harm themselves or as required by a court of law. Any information relating to actual or potential unlawful activity, including, but not limited to, criminal activity, whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, which is directly or indirectly disclosed to me in the course of a Session and/or in the course of correspondence which is incidental to those Services, may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement and/or government and/or non-governmental agency.
4. Integrity: I will interpret a reading to the best of my ability and will honestly admit if/when I cannot interpret something. I will not impose information on a Client that they have clearly indicated that they do not wish to know or explore further in depth. My goal as a Jungian Tarot Guide is to empower the Client to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions, to exercise their free Will better, and to become more conscious of their full potential.
5. Expertise: I will recommend Clients consult licensed professionals for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide.
6. Independence: I will not let the Clients become overly dependent upon my services, nor pressure them for return visits.
7. Professional Conduct:
1. I will conduct myself in a professional manner. I am on time for appointments, fully present, honouring the Client’s process, listening carefully and compassionately.
2. I will not commence the Session if I suspect the Client may be under the influence of mind-altering substances.
3. I keep my promises and commitments and provide a safe, comfortable, welcoming environment (Temenos, sacred space) for the Session.
4. I will at all times maintain an ethical and professional relationship with the Client.
5. I will not abuse a Client’s trust and vulnerability for my own personal benefit.
6. I am committed to the ongoing study and practice of my craft, so that my Clients can be confident they are receiving the highest levels of care and expertise.
7. I will not refer Clients to another professional in anticipation of receiving any commission.
8. I will treat my professional colleagues with respect.
© Tero Goldenhill 2025